Long Time, No see! I can explain! 😅
So look, I know I used to have a writing style and stuff but you all don't have time for that. I get that. So let me get to the nitty gritty right off the bat.
Life has been crazy for the the last Eight Years. Like Pre-Covid crazy. Like when Covid did rear it's ugly head; I like countless others in my income bracket was caught off guard crazy. I working at my back up job and working on my Vlogging. (So I suck at Internet Synergy, sue me! :P) So upload information on my Blog because less of a priority and more of a part of list of things that I put on the back burner because life.
Life doesn't stop because MRClueUin must write, organize, synergize, and update her blog everyday. Plus my other reasons ranging from Lost Laptop to Losing a job for the 99th time in a row, to gee I don't know...
The worst disaster known to personkind since the Ebola virus! Covid. (Sorry to keep banging on about that.) Come to think about disasters I couldn't even fathom the serious lose of people around the world losing loved ones to this horrible disease and I feel so lucky despite the economic impact to my life.
I'll probably have more to say how Covid impact my life and the life of others at some other date but for now I want to focus on Reasons and Excuses on why this blog hasn't been updated in a while!
No money.
No time. (Except occasional Vlog post from time to time.)
Stress. (See no money.)
When having any money had to focus
on Bills.
Lack of focus.
No Electricity.
Too tired.
Too many; "I'll do it tomorrow."
Writer's Block or the; "I got nothing that anyone want to hear so why bother.", excuse.
Lack of focus. (Are we sensing a trend here?)
So in the end if apologies are need, I'm sorry. If not...
...gee aren't you a lot of forgiving folks! LOL
So are we cool? Cool. Now for the updates.
I still have a Vlog. (Check Out My YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO4YSUYfOYnvlATe3df8BtA)I
I have an Instagram page! ( I know!) https://www.instagram.com/mrclueuin/
And oh I'm gonna restart and update my Blog.
See ya later!